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Children’s Environmental Health Initiative
University of Notre Dame
1011 Flanner Hall
Notre Dame, IN 46556

Linked Births, Lead Surveillance, Grade 4 End-Of-Grade (EoG) Scores for NC births of children, Cohort Year 2000

This dataset includes all births in NC in 2000 for which the residential address of the mother is geocoded. The following information is provided for each birth, where available: detailed birth record data elements, blood lead level test results, end-of-year grade 4 test results, Racial Residential Isolation (RI), Neighborhood Deprivation Index (NDI), and PM 2.5 and Ozone metrics.

Source: CEHI

birthsmaternalneonatalvital statisticshealthdemographicstestingeoggradestudentachievementscalereadingmathbloodleadBLLPbResidence characteristicsSocial dataPovertyCensusRacial isolationresidential segregationsegregationraceRIRRSair qualityNDINeighborhood Deprivation IndexPM 2.5O3Ozone





Geography & Dates

Geographic Extent NC
Geographic Resolution NC, Census Tract
Dataset Geocoded Yes
Dates Covered (in MM/DD/YY format) 01/01/00 to 12/31/00

Additional Metadata

File Format csv
Number of Records 100,395
Dataset Size (in KB) 72,337
Dataset Created 08/09/19
Metadata Last Updated 05/20/21
Version 1

Access & Use Information

DOI https://doi.org/10.25614/cohort_2000
Access Restriction Not available
Applicable Regulatory Laws HIPAA, FERPA